Jason Fyk appears on the Dr. Gina show discussing his upcoming 5th Amendment Constitutional challenge of section ...
Jason Fyk claims "Section 230 is unconstitutional under due process" and announces his upcoming Consitutional challenge
Find his ...
In this episode of The Scalpel, Dr. Rose is joined by Jason Fyk. Jason had built an ...
BY COL. ROB MANESS01 JULY, 2021 / 04:35CDT
Facebook, Twitter, and Google currently enjoy immunity from lawsuits even though ...
Many would have you believe that Section 230 is “settled law”, especially the “tech oligarchs” and their ...
The “Good Samaritan” provision.
“Good Samaritan”
Snapchat created a speed filter which rewarded a user with new filters based ...
Fyk is encouraged by the most recent ruling by the 9th Circuit Court, which causes a conflict ...
Two diametrically opposed 9th Circuit decisions that can neither coexist nor be lawfully reconciled.
Most, if not almost ...